Ermine Business Park, Gibson House

Huntingdon, PE29 6XU

Phone Number


Who Do We Supply

Staffing Solutions For The UK Health & Social Care Sector

We supply permanent and temporary placements for staff across the public and private UK health & social care sector, which includes but not limited to Local authorities, the NHS, Private hospitals, Nursing homes and private clients as well.

Why Choose Us

Mission and Vision

The highest standards of care from the right kind of people, where and when you need them. Ravdon Healthcare is the easy way to find staff in your area. Quickly, easily and reliably.

Our Vision

To support health providers deliver the highest standards of health care when no one else can.

Our Mission

To be the trusted provider of exceptional health care staff to the NHS, Local Authorities, nursing homes and the private health care sector, often at extremely short notice.

If You Need Help or Have Some Question